Natural ways to amplify your high



Natural ways to amplify your high

3 min read

The high you experience when consuming cannabis is all about chemistry. Simply put, the cannabinoid THC stimulates cells in the brain to release dopamine, creating euphoria. But like most chemical reactions, they can be affected by other chemicals added to the mix. So if you’re looking to enhance your cannabis high, here are some ways to do it.

Turns out mangoes are more than just a good source of fiber; they’ve also earned a reputation for boosting a cannabis high thanks to the high concentration of myrcene in the tropical treats. Myrcene is a terpene that is also found in cannabis. So by having a mango snack a half hour to forty-five minutes before consuming cannabis, you get higher faster because the myrcene in the fruit promotes THC crossing through the blood-brain barrier.

Flowertown Natural ways to amplify your high

Omega-3 fatty acids are known for their many health benefits from boosting the immune system to reducing inflammation. And eating foods high in omega-3 such as eggs, avocados, and fish before consuming cannabis, the fat binds to THC—and other cannabinoids for that matter—and facilitates them passing through the blood-brain barrier. This not only gets you higher faster, but it also makes it last longer. As a general rule, the high from ingesting cannabis as opposed to smoking tends to last longer and anecdotally is more euphoric.

Flowertown Natural ways to amplify your high

What doesn’t chocolate make better? There’s a scientific reason why cannabis brownies tend to pack a punch and why eating chocolate—the darker, the better—while ingesting or smoking cannabis will enhance the high. The cacao in chocolate contains the fat anandamide, which activates a brain receptor that prompts dopamine production. So eating chocolate and consuming cannabis is like a one-two dopamine punch, The anandamide also slows the breakdown of the dopamine, extending the high.

Flowertown Natural ways to amplify your high

Research suggests that doing a half hour or so of cardio before some cannabis increases the levels of THC in the brain by as much as 15 percent. This might give people some much-needed incentive to keep all those New Year’s resolutions about joining a gym.

Lastly, for regular users, one sure-fire way of enhancing your cannabis high is to abstain for a week or two. Just like people can build a tolerance to antibiotics or alcohol, you can also develop a tolerance to THC, which is stored in your body’s fat cells. The more you smoke, the more THC builds up. Taking a break from cannabis allows the body to clear it out. But even abstaining just a few days is often enough to provide a more enhanced high when you resume.