Top five cannabis terpenes to keep you in the winter mood



Top five cannabis terpenes to keep you in the winter mood

3 min read

After the holidays are over, it’s easy to slip into a funk until spring. While we can all feel depressed by the season from time to time, there’s a lot winter still has to offer. Because terpenes are the aromatic oils produced in cannabis (and other plants), they contain the uncanny power of scent to elicit emotion.

Much like essential oils, seeking out particular terpenes will help instantly get you back into the winter mood.

Next time you’re shopping for cannabis products this season, look for these top 5 terpenes to help keep you get in the winter mood.

Flowertown Top 5 cannabis terpenes to keep you in the winter mood

1. Myrcene

Myrcene is the most abundant terpene found in various strains of cannabis. This terpene also works with THC to enhance its effects. It is a powerful sedative that will help lessen the effects of stress and anxiety as well as help combat any insomnia (a common side effect of a break in normal routines) you may have experienced during the holiday season. This terpene is also found in mangoes, lemongrass, and thyme.

Flowertown Top 5 cannabis terpenes to keep you in the winter mood

2. Caryophyllene

Caryophyllene is a terpene that is most commonly sought out for its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. However, preliminary research shows that this terpene also helps with alcohol rehabilitation. This might come in handy after you down one too many cocktails throughout the holiday season.

Flowertown Top 5 cannabis terpenes to keep you in the winter mood

4. Humulene

Humulene is a terpene that’s heavily present in hops. One of its most beneficial properties is that it helps suppress appetite. The holiday season is filled with delicious food, baked treats, candy, and lots of eating. You should feel free to indulge–it’s part of the fun! However, the key is to quickly get back to your regular (healthy) eating habits after the new year has begun. Cannabis strains with a high percentage of humulene can help you return to your normal eating habits after you’ve over-indulged during the holidays.

Flowertown Top 5 cannabis terpenes to keep you in the winter mood

4. Terpineol

Terpineol is an anise and mint flavor that goes well with the holiday season. It’s also known for being a powerful relaxant. If you’re still feeling stressed after all of the hustle and bustle of the holidays, terpineol can help restore your calm. It also has antibacterial and antioxidant properties that will help you fight off the germs floating around this time of year.

Flowertown Top 5 cannabis terpenes to keep you in the winter mood

5. Alpha-pinene

Alpha-pinene is a terpene commonly found in pine needles and has the fragrant aroma of pine — perfect for the ski season. It also helps to counteract some of the psychoactive effects of THC, such as memory loss, so that you can stay alert and focused to check off items on your to-do list.