Cannabis in crossfit



Cannabis in crossfit

3 min read

It’s a common image that people who use cannabis like to smoke and then sit on the couch with a bag of cheese puffs while staring at a fish tank. While there’s nothing wrong with that, not all cannabis users fit into that box. Others are traveling to their local CrossFit box and putting in grueling workouts several days per week. If you’ve never considered lighting up before a workout, learn about the benefits and why now might be a good time to start.

Flowertown Cannabis in crossfit

Cannabis as a Pre-Workout

Many prefer to use supplements with performance enhancing effects as a pre-workout. You know, the supplements that get the heart pumping and make you feel like you could throw a car over your head. Others prefer the whole-body high of cannabis to these other supplements. It puts them in a relaxed mental state, improves focus, and helps them stay in tune with their bodies. Look for sativa-dominated products to feel an energetic boost before a long workout.

Cannabis Benefits During a Workout

As you’re powering through your WOD, you’ll be happy to know that there is scientific research supporting the benefits of cannabis during exercise. One of the biggest benefits is that cannabis is a bronchodilator. It’s been shown to help people who suffer from asthma, but it also helps athletes who rely on oxygen to help them get the most out of their training. Cannabis opens the airways, provides less resistance to airflow, and helps athletes achieve their best performance.

Flowertown Cannabis in crossfit

Cannabis to Help You Recover

Other CrossFitters use cannabis after a workout session. That’s because cannabis’ recovery benefits are well documented. Cannabis helps reduce pain and inflammation naturally. Soreness and muscle aches might stop you from putting in another workout tomorrow. While you should definitely take it easy after sustaining a more severe injury, the pain relief provided by cannabis could substitute the need for more powerful pain relievers that could affect your performance when you’re ready to get back in the game.

Flowertown Cannabis in crossfit

CrossFit Games Drug Testing Policy

The CrossFit Games feature the best of the best. Performance-enhancing substances are strictly banned, including many legal ones. In doing so, the organization hopes to maintain the integrity of the events and the athletes competing. Each athlete must consent to drug testing before competing.

Cannabinoids are listed as banned substances for in-competition use. However, cannabidiol (CBD) is an exception. So, while you are not able to smoke or vaporize marijuana before competing, you can use CBD products. CBD does not contain THC, so you won’t feel elevated, but you’ll still enjoy the benefits of reduced anxiety, stress, pain, and inflammation.